In research into various hydrophysical and hydroacoustic wave processes, it is extremely\nimportant to know the regularities of their propagation in the sea at decreasing depths, especially\nin the shelf areas, and also to know the regularities of their transformation into seismoacoustic\nprocesses in the earth crust. In the course of the processing and analysis of the experimental data of\nour complex experiment, in this paper we investigate these regularities. In our experiment, we used\na low-frequency hydroacoustic transmitter that generated harmonic oscillations at the frequency of\n22 Hz and received hydroacoustic systems with a shore laser strainmeter. It was established that\nhydroacoustic waves, propagating at the shelf of decreasing depth, transform into seismoacoustic\nwaves at the depth of the sea equal to or less than a half-length of the hydroacoustic wave. A\ncomparison of the results of this work with earlier-obtained results allows us to state that such\nregularities should be inherent to all hydrophysical and hydroacoustic processes.